fatherhood: May 2008 Archives

The bug caught his first fish today. Pacific mackerel. "Holy mackerel, Batman!"

Balboa Pier, Newport Beach

Walked the Newport pier early this morning. Overcast. Sweatshirt weather. At the end, many fishing. (Mostly Asians.)

Guy there (Jake) asked the bug if he wanted to "Catch a fish." (Everybody was catching mackerel like crazy.)

The guy actually hooked the fish, then handed him the pole. I showed him how a reel works. We could feel the fish tugging at the other end. Pole bending like crazy.

Comedy Tragedy Masks"Two things pierce the human heart," wrote Simone Weil. "Beauty and affliction." It's always interesting to hear a quote that captures the essence of a notion we thought no one else could comprehend.

After picking up the Bug yesterday morning, he said (as I drove away), "I want you to be a dada and come inside momma's house."

Interesting how he objectified me with the phrase "a dada," (which he has never done before) as if he were somehow searching for a way to get me inside, or had learned to associated the idea of "a dada" with someone who "comes inside momma's house." (not a normal practice for me)

Talk about heart-wrenching. Like a conversely beautiful experience last month, his words went deep .. piercing just as I lowered my defenses.

Can't blame the little guy for wanting to spend time with both of the people who made him. My rock-climbing buddy, Tom, has a 7-year old daughter. He warned me these days would come, and described the (heart-wrenching) challenges they'd bring.

"Do you want me," I asked (trying to figure out where he was coming from), "to come inside and visit with you? Or with you AND momma?"

"With me *and* momma," he answered.

I normally stop by the library the day before I get the Bug. There I usually pick up a few new books, which I read to him throughout the week.

Occasionally I come across one showing pictures of children (or baby animals) lovingly surrounded by *both* parents. These I automatically reject (censor), cuz that's not his reality. And I don't want him to feel .. well, you know what I'm saying.

This was first week the Bug was not able to tootle around town in the Porsche. I told him it broke, and that I sold it to a guy who could fix it.

Fire engine: Rad Hook-n-Ladder Co. He asked what kind of car I was gonna get. I wasn't sure and asked his opinion.

"You should get a fire engine," he said (while eating an ice cream cone down on Balboa Island). Know of any cheap, used fire engines for sale? =)

On a more technical note .. ever run out of room on your hard drive? particularly your C_drive? (where Windows resides)

Crap Cleaner

This seems to be a common problem with drives that are partitioned too small, and with laptops, which traditionally come with drives much smaller than those in your desktop.

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