Hot Summer Nights + Bonfires on the Beach @ Balboa

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The fourth is my favorite holiday. Don't know another living soul who prefers it over all others.

Balboa Pier, Newport Beach, California

Maybe cuz it's the only holiday celebrated outdoors at night. No matter where you might be, summer nights are likely cotton-candy sweet.

Or perhaps, it's the fireworks .. or maybe, the thing we're really celebrating (» freedom, baby!) .. that does it for me.

Had the Bug last night. Braved the crowds and drove down to the Balboa pier .. where we watched the sun set while sharing a root beer float (from Ruby's). He was clearly more interested however, in watching folks fish, and asking to peek in their catch-buckets.

••• today's entry continues here below •••

That might be the closest I've come yet to experiencing Ye Olde Rad Meaning of Life. (Close encounter of the most gratifying kind.) Afterwards, when it got dark, we hung out with a group sitting around the biggest bonfire we could find. Plenty-warm. Friendly folks.

On the way home, while we rode across on the Balboa Island ferry, the Bug said (out of the blue), "I'm happy." Can't tell you what that meant. (Made me woozy.)

In more-technical news .. I learned today that Sharon Stone narrates (the HBO Family series) » Harold & the Purple Crayon. Betcha didn't know that. =) Harold creates his world by drawing it.

Oh (almost forgot) .. I was informed yesterday that a private investigator has been hired to trail me. Now, I've never hired a PI myself, but if I did .. uh, I don't think I'd tell the person. Would you?

Isn't the whole idea behind a clandestine investigation .. to catch the culprit in some compromising position or activity? (Maybe I'm missing something.) Haven't noticed any shady looking characters in my rearview. So he's either very good .. or more fiction. Puttanesca tonight. (That's for real.)

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How were you informed that a private investigator was hired? Did someone tell you?

Anyways, sorry-- I know that's an unimportant detail but I was just curious about that.

I just wanted to tell you that I came upon your blog while looking for crescent bay point park and came upon your pictures and blog. Beautiful pictures by the way!

I skimmed your blog and I've read a couple of entries on fatherhood.

Your entries on the Bug are so sincere, genuine, loving and whole-hearted. You sound like a great father.

Wishing you success in all your endeavors and above all else, wishing you happiness,


Yes, told.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Rad published on July 3, 2008 4:41 PM.

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