xhtml/css: September 2008 Archives

HTML compression via Apache mod_deflateBeen reading about web site optimization (WSO), which stresses the importance of small, fast-loading web pages, that are lite on graphics.

First thing I did after analyzing some of my web pages in this cool analyzer .. was to remove the Lightbox script (even tho it was way cool), cuz it was costing me nearly 200-KB. (Ouch!)

Never realized Lightbox was so big. Actually Lightbox itself is only 18-KB, but it uses/needs Prototype.js (which is 124-KB) and Effects.js (which is 40-KB).

Didn't take long, once I delved into the world of WSO, before I began hearing about the virtues of ยป HTML compression.

Like WinZip for web servers, HTML compression squeezes web pages before sending them to you, which saves bandwidth. (Radified uses ~50 gigs monthly.)

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This page is a archive of entries in the xhtml/css category from September 2008.

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